Daniel LeithingerAlumni

Daniel Leithinger
Daniel Leithinger is a research affiliate at the Tangible Media Group, and Chief Design Officer at Lumii. He joined the group as a masters student in 2008 and graduated with a Ph.D. in 2015. His research focuses on actuated tangible interfaces and interactive shape displays.
Together with his colleagues, Daniel has created award winning shape displays, including the projects "Relief", "Recompose", "Sublimate", "inFORM" and "Transform", which have been presented at academic conferences like TEI, UIST, CHI, and SIGGRAPH.
Prior to joining the Media Lab, Daniel studied at the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg, and worked at research institutes like the Futurelab (Linz, Austria), HITLab (Christchurch, NZ), Media Interaction Lab (Hagenberg, Austria), Interactive Media Lab (Singapore) and Disney Research (Pittsburgh, US).
More information about Daniel can be found on his personal website: http://www.leithinger.com



VR Haptics at Home: Repurposing Everyday Objects and Environment for Casual and On-Demand VR Haptic ExperiencesCHI EA ’23 2023
Programmable Droplets for InteractionCHI 2018 2018
AnimaStage: Hands-on Animated Craft on Pin-based Shape DisplaysDIS 2017 2017
Materiable: Rendering Dynamic Material Properties in Response to Direct Physical Touch with Shape Changing InterfacesCHI 2016
Grasping Information and Collaborating through Shape Displavs
Shape Displays: Spatial Interaction with Dynamic Physical Form
TRANSFORM: Embodiment of “Radical Atoms” at Milano Design WeekCHI 2015
TRANSFORM as Adaptive and Dynamic FurnitureCHI 2015
Physical Telepresence: Shape Capture and Display for Embodied, Computer-mediated Remote CollaborationUIST 2014
inFORM: Dynamic Physical Affordances and Constraints through Shape and Object ActuationUIST 2013
Sublimate: State-Changing Virtual and Physical Rendering to Augment Interaction with Shape DisplaysCHI 2013
Jamming User Interfaces: Programmable Particle Stiffness and Sensing for Malleable and Shape-Changing Devices.UIST 2012
Direct and Gestural Interaction with Relief: A 2.5D Shape DisplayUIST 2011
Recompose: Direct and Gestural Interaction with an Actuated SurfaceCHI 2011
Relief: A Scalable Actuated Shape DisplayTEI 2010
g-stalt: a chirocentric, spatiotemporal, and telekinetic gestural interface.TEI 2010