Vincent LeClercAlumni

Vincent LeClerc

Vincent Leclerc is a first year masters candidate in the Tangible Media Group. He graduated in computer science with a specialization in computation art from Concordia University.

His rapidly evolving interests generally revolve around the creation of tangible tools that help the understanding and the manipulation of abstract systems. His recent research work in wearable computing at XS Labs also sparked his interest in soft and elastic interfaces.

Vincent likes to go tubing down rivers, digging for records and riding his board with a cape.



Senspectra: A Computationally Augmented Physical Modeling Toolkit for Sensing and Visualization of Structural StrainCHI 2007
Glume: Exploring Materiality in a Soft Augmented Modular ModelingExtended Abstracts of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2006
SENSPECTRA: An Elastic, Strain-Aware Physical Modeling InterfaceThesis 2006