Mengying 'Cathy' FangAlumni

Mengying 'Cathy' Fang
Mengying “Cathy” Fang is a creative technologist born and raised in Shanghai, China. She thinks about how to empower human capabilities and connect people in new ways. Her past work has investigated haptics for Virtual Reality, on-body input, and context-aware sensing. She has submitted to and published at major conferences, and her first-author paper received a Best Paper Award at ACM CHI 2020.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree with Honors from Carnegie Mellon University in Mechanical Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction. Prior to joining the Media Lab, she has worked at Apple, IDEO, and Magic Leap.
Personal website:



VR Haptics at Home: Repurposing Everyday Objects and Environment for Casual and On-Demand VR Haptic ExperiencesCHI EA ’23 2023
Cardiac Arrest: Evaluating the Role of Biosignals in Gameplay Strategies and Players' Physiological Synchrony in Social Deception GamesCHI 2022 2022